Sunday, January 2, 2011


1.11. 2011: Hope, Rejuvenation and Rebirth for Humanity

Welcome to the entrance the portal of this transitional new year 2011; we are about to feel on the New Moon, Solar Eclipse, which will begin within all of us the deepest intentions and resolutions.

The ecliptic lunar energy is a most extraordinary gift in which to seed and affirm opportunity for this next, most pivotal year of quantum change and preparation.

Plant your seeds now. Focus on what you need.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011: A partial solar eclipse is visible in parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. The eclipse won't be visible from North America. Unlike a total eclipse, the sun will not be completely blocked out by the moon showing only a ring in the sky. With partial eclipses, the sun will continue to shine, but with noticeable darkness and the moon in partial profile in front of the sun. There are live links on the internet to watch this.
Four partial solar and two total lunar eclipses will take place in 2011. This is rare, with only six cases during the 21st century (2011, 2029, 2047, 2065, 2076 and 2094).

Wishing all a blessed new year. Here in Mexico for three months and send you a pray and blessing. Here to renew in the warmth, to share time with the Mexico family and take in the sunshine. Blowing this warmth back to you all.

my love,
Sweet Medicine

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