Sunday, March 8, 2009

Heading South.

SOUTH to CHILE, Jan - Feb 2009, now this was not a cold climate when I was there. It was mid-summer. So the cloths for the plane rides were too hot by the time I got off and to some of the wonderful peoples homes in Santiago, Camelo and Apaula.

It was surprising how comfortable I was after a 5 hr plane flight to Mexico City over night, then a 8 hr flight to Santiago, then a 8 hr bus ride to Pucon in the southern part of Chile. I was to say the least excited but had two naps that day.

I arrived here to be greeted by wonderful people (who spoke perfect English) that then took me around the small city of Pucon, which is like Boulder Co. It is a very  big resort town in Feb. the highest season, when summer vacationers flood the black volcanic sand beaches of the huge lake it is on. The people seem very European in blood, blondes and redheads, mixed with the Machupi, indigenous people of the region. 

Here we took off from Kitralma, in the heart of the Andes, and the location of Vision Quest was already underway for one man who was going for 17 days. This property is huge......and encompassed by straight up mountains on both sides, and volcanos in the distance what smoked and reminded us all that this earth is still very much alive. The good news about this is that there are tons of hot thermal waters to go and soak there in. Seems that instead of Casinos )which they also have in Pucon) the indigenous folks here have hot springs to enjoy.

Bill Stanton, Tyler and Amara joined me here. Tyler got ill and they left camp after a few days to rest in Pucon. I made a few trips to see them, Tyler is doing fine now and they are back in the USA. 

The food is very yummy there and like Europe offers a fair that is not only delicious, but artfully prepared. You can find any kind of food you would dream of. They however do not like garlic and onions as they feel they make your breath smell bad so only in Veg or Hostel restaurant did they serve such yummy stuff.....I did not suffer at all as you can see.

It was hard to leave the most amazing ceremony and all 150 plus people that adopted me and the Community of FW as family. Many elders from all over the South American countries were there to help and support this time. At one point there were 8 Elders all taking people to the different locations and planting them for their special time.

After the camp I was placed on a horse and taken for a two-hour plus ride up above the Kitralma to a sacred lake. There we rode thru Trees that reached the heavens. They are sometimes described as a living fossil. Araucaria araucana is the national tree of Chile. Also called Monkey Puzzle trees, and old growth as we would call them in Hawaii. And the Alerce trees. Resembling giant sequoias, alerce trees have witnessed countless centuries of history. They have a life expectancy of up to 4,000 years and exist only in the temperate rain forests of Chile. Thanks to all there for their supporting my very bad Spanish. We had wonderful weather the whole camp, with artists of dance, music, and painting plus crafts of Chile all coming to share. We sang, laughed, and shared this experience and its sacred time.

The loving people were refreshing and wonderful. In each moment there, was an experience of a lifetime. I even stayed ten extra days to meet and be with important people in Santiago, and to have this trip into the wilds of Chile. Thanks Sole' and Claudia for hosting me in your special ways.

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